Friday, February 27, 2009
Black Diamond - Video Clip - T3 Conference Dallas
Learn more at
Raymond James Investment Advisor Division - Video Clip
Raymond James sent a VP to the technology conference? Find out why. |
FinFolio - Video Clip - T3 Conference Dallas
Check them out at
DocuPace Technologies - Video Clip - T3 Conference Dallas
Check it out at
ProTracker Advantage - Video Clip - T3 Conference Dallas
Learn more about Client Relationship Management
software and the ProTracker Academy at
Trade Warrior - Video Clip - T3 Conference Dallas
Check it out and learn more:
Affordable portfolio rebalancing, trades, allocation
Thursday, February 26, 2009
IPS Advisor Pro - Video Clip - Live from T3 Conference
Proud Sponsor of:
T3 Technology Conference
Dallas 2009
More information:
Monday, February 23, 2009
Letter From the Editor from the upcoming March edition of Virtual Office News
Letter from the Editor
Well, I literally just returned from the T3 conference last night, and had been holding this page open to receive my comments.
We know from our Wrap-Up session at the conference that many of you (subscribers) were in attendance, so my comments will be old news to some readers. But, to those subscribers who couldn’t attend, you missed a really good show!
Attendees and sponsors were thrilled with this year’s venue and the quality of the program. Some of the things we “switched up” this year to keep the conference fresh included mixing advisors and sponsors on the panels, and having sponsor reps sit on panels on specific technologies different from the ones they sell — rather — technologies they use in their own day-to-day work like business networking sites (e.g., LinkedIn), or Apple hardware.
And finally, in keeping with prior years, we included panels on some bleeding edge technologies, like Smartphones and their ability to integrate and share data with computer software systems, or cloud computing and text-to-voice/voice-to-text systems.
To give you a chance to experience the conference if you weren’t there, please take a look at our blog at where you’ll find many video clips and commentary on the conference.
We’re already planning next year’s conference. It will be held at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines (San Diego) from February 17-20, 2010, and we’re looking into the possibility of extending it to four days with the first day being a golf outing (or tournament). Keep watch on the VON website for more details.
My last impression of the conference that I want to share is something I mentioned in our Wrap Up session. T3 has become an incubator of sorts. It has already incubated Your Silver Bullet, the consortium of 22 technology companies (the vast majority being T3 sponsors) that are collaborating to build software bridges, and the process is now drawing in larger and larger companies. (AT&T had a new presence at this year’s conference). So, in the future, look for more good things to come out of T3 that will ultimately benefit you in your practices.
Dave Drucker, Editor
Virtual Office News
Friday, February 20, 2009
What is Twitter and Why Should I Care?
Here’s the big secret to twitter - forget the technology, forget the weird terminology, forget the iphone applications. Twitter is just another way to keep in touch and build relationships.
And twitter is one of the most convenient, easy, and FUN ways to make new friends and keep in touch with old ones.
Have you ever wanted to stay in touch with someone but weren’t sure exactly how to do so? You know what I mean, that “just wanted to say hi!” email or searching desperately for some kind of article that they would be interested in but haven’t seen already just for an excuse to touch base with them.
Twitter is THE solution for keeping in touch with thousands of people at once, and building authentic relationships at the same time.
So how does this all relate to business? First of all, people do business with those that they know, like, and trust. This will always be true and we’re lucky to be living an age where it’s easier than ever to build genuine rapport will people all over the world. Once people have gotten to know you via twitter, the transition to a business relationship is effortless. And the opportunity for collaboration with other entrepreneurs is huge.If you’ve been scared or confused by twitter I want encourage you to give it a try.
You can start by following then check out who we’re talking to to find more people to follow. (And I can guarantee that you will be surprised by how many people you know are already on twitter!)
Take your mind off the new technology, and instead put yourself in the mindset that you’re just at a big old party making friends!
~ Marie Swift, PR Pro
Follow the T3 Conference on Twitter!
New this year: Twitter.
We have set up a Twitter site for T3 that will allow you to stay abreast of the latest goings-on with the conference -- before, during and after.
That's right, we'll be Twittering live from the conference for those who couldn't attend or those in attendance who want more information.
To connect with T3's Twitter news, you must first join Twitter (, which costs nothing and sign-up is straightforward. Once registered, click on "Find People" at the top of the Twitter screen and type in "t3fan". When taken to T3's Twitter page, just click on "Follow" under the T3 logo and then check in regularly for updates.
If you are already signed up with Twitter, simply click and select "Follow".
We look forward to seeing you next week!
David J. Drucker and Joel P. Bruckenstein
Co-Chairs - Technology Tools for Today Conference
Pre-Con Sessions - Limited Capacity
Get Around Town in Dallas
One way cab fares run about $45 from DFW. Super Shuttles are available for roughly $20/one way per person from DFW.
Rates from Love Field are less, since its a little closer.
T3 Mission Control.
Visit this table for information on pre-registration for next year's T3 (both attendees and sponsors) and other opportunities - such as video interviews, photo ops with industry influentials and T3 peers, guest blogging and guest Twitter invitations and more.